Individual sessions
I receive you in individual session:
- To enrich your relationship
- For massages, after an individual interview

Would you like to live your couple differently? Give or find meaning to your couple? Better connect to your partner?
This session invites you to a reconnection with the loved one, differently. We will discuss the pillars of a harmonious couple. You will be able to assess your commitment in each of these pillars and take simple, acceptable and even cheering decisions to evolve together! An introspective and enriching work!
Communication is often addressed during these sessions: the misinterpretation of what your partner says is the main cause of separation of couples. It is therefore essential to watch over and understand what is at stake in your way of communicating.
In this session, we take time to see your concrete and recurring difficulties. I propose you practical exercises. The session is either one of 3 hours’ appointment or 2 appointments of 1h30.
Concretely, I meet you both or each one separately, in office but also on Skype. We work through exchanges, where I give you the keys so that your couple can flourish on all levels, but we also work through care & energy tools that you will get familiar to, and concrete staging, to visualize the new “habits”, “ways of living together” for your “new” couple.
You need to get back in touch with your body to heal the wounds of the past? Want to get back in contact with your body?
The body is our first home: my approach is extremely delicate and slow. In this session “speech is free” : you do not have to go into the details of your lived experience unless it is liberating for you.
The essential: enjoying the pleasure of being touched! I offer you an extremely subtle and benevolent touch. As with every session, I am listening to you and you can put a particular intention upstream of the session if necessary.